Point Zer0 Ad Circa 1993
The Original GIF Collection
The Following Pictures were posted on the Point After BBS in 1992-1993.
Many were taken by Charon at Denny's, a few were submitted willingly.
The GIF's themselves were created by Zer0, Bansh and Charon.
The Users
- Anabell Lee, A Non in 1992
- Angel, User #012 in 1992
- Aphrodite, A Non in 1992
- Athena, User #026 in 1992
- Avador Fellblade, User #024 in 1992
- Bansh, User #029 in 1992
- Biscayne, User #064 in 1992
- Baby Aims, User #046 in 1992(1)
- Baby Aims, User #046 in 1992(2)
- Bannana Flavor, User #119 in 1992
- Charon, User #254 in 1992
- Clone, User #163 in 1992
- Comcern, User #169 in 1992
- Condor, User #017 in 1992
- Capt. Zeph, User #014 in 1992
- D15, A Non in 1992
- Deathangel's Shadow, A Non in 1992
- Doppelganger, User #222 in 1992
- Font, User #008 in 1992
- Ford Prefect, User #075 in 1992
- Gunslinger, User #243 in 1992
- Huggable, User #112 in 1992
- Ivon, User #090 in 1992
- Jokester, User #180 in 1992
- Killer Cat #099, in 1992
- Krazy, User #030 in 1992
- Laurel, User #122 in 1992
- Leprechaun, User #049 in 1992
- Michelle, User #224 in 1992
- Mikey, User #173 in 1992
- Nibbler, User #111 in 1992
- Niko, #187 in 1992
- Phantom, #065 in 1992
- Positronic Cat, User #043 in 1992
- Platinum Puma, User #135 in 1992 Current
- Red Barchetta, User #209 in 1992
- Ryu Hyabusa, User #062 in 1992
- Saranrapture, A Non, in 1992
- Secnarf/Hal 9047, User #047 in 1992
- Sluck, User #128 in 1992
- Silicon Nomad, User #084 in 1992
- Tree Rat, #164 in 1992
- Weederman, User #042 in 1992
- Whiz Kid, User #023 in 1992
- Wirez, User #123 in 1992(1)
- Wirez, User #123 in 1992(2)
- The Wolf, User #061 in 1992
- Zer0, User #000 in 1992
The Nons
Misc Pictures & Group Shots
Unoffical Point Zer0 pictures
This image is truly one of awe and wonder, it was posted by Laurel on the Far Post BBS in 1993.
Wrestler, A Continuing Enigma
Mail me if you wish a pictured added, removed or changed.
Posted: 10/15/96
Hits: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Last Updated: Friday, 11-Jan-2008 14:45:03 PST