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"Morally Disturbing, Shocking, It makes you question the authority of everyone elses ids"

This Picture features both Com(Point Zer0, God's Country, Nuclear Greenhouse),and Scott/m00se.(God's Country)

Dalamar (Nuclear Greenhouse, God's Country) with a dog on his hand. We took this picture because he had a dog on his hand.
"Oh God, I'll give you a current pict to put up."
-Platinum Puma

Platinum Puma of Point Zer0 thought his older pict was less flattering than this one taken in late 1997.

Saranrapture(Point Zer0, God's Country) in more recent days than this pict. If you look closely, you can tell she's wearing a calculator watch. I didn't know they still made those.
Nick(God's Country), Hayes(God's Country, Point Zer0), and most of Christopher(God's Country) looking in various directions.
Christopher(God's Country) punching Strider/Dave(God's Country) in the head.
Kristen(God's Country) and Christopher(God's Country)

Posted: 02/18/98
Hits: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Last Updated: Friday, 11-Jan-2008 14:44:46 PST